Who is driving our career? Most of the time we attribute our careers current state to outside forces or fate. Rarely will we consider that we ourselves are the primary driver of our success. The good news is that there are lot's of things that we can both do to take control and start really steering thing in the direction we want to go. Lucky for us today's special guest has written a couple books on this subject, one of which we will be discussing in depth. I am very pleased to welcome to the show, Ed Evarts, Author of the new book "Drive your Career: 9 High-Impact Ways to Take Responsibility for your Own Success"
Ed Evarts is the founder and president of Excellius Leadership Development, a Boston-based coaching organization. He works with successful leaders to increase their self-awareness so they can manage themselves more productively; with successful teams to ensure their time together is as productive as possible; and with smaller organizations, at a pivot point in their evolution, to help them plan strategically and purposefully.
Ed is also the author of "Raise Your Visibility & Value: Uncover the Lost Art of Connecting on the Job" and the host of Be Brave@Work, a weekly podcast in which leaders share stories about bravery—or the lack of it—in their careers, and the impact their choices have had on their career progression.
In today's conversation we will be going in depth on several of the tactics from the book Drive your Career and discussing how to apply them in your context.
We cover:
Website: www.excellius.com
See Ed in action: https://bit.ly/2Zr29Kp
Episodes to listen to next:
260 : Wait! Is your current Job actually the right Job?
258 : Prioritizing your Mental Health in the New Year w/ Dr. Lara Pence
203 : Empowering Women in Business w/ Katherine Knapke
165 : The Art of Deep Listening w/ Oscar Trimboli
226 : The Art of being Indispensable at Work w/Bruce Tulgan
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